• About

    A reputed institute since 2002 founded in Trichinopoly,Tamilnadu,South India offering language courses,ancient and modern, and training programs for various competitive examinations.Over a period of 12 years we have trained hundreds of candidates successfully and many of them have found successful placements all over the globe.
    We are certainly for those who are ambitious about their studies and career in the present world requiring a high class of achievement. Our programs are especially designed and tailored keeping in mind the needs of the average student who requires sound teaching,tutorials and mock tests. A student receives not only easy-to-follow lessons even in the toughest languages like Latin,Greek and Chinese but also has a tutor assigned under whose care he could clear his doubts at a personal level. Our team of staff recruited from every corner of the world has years of teaching experience and profound interest and passion for the advancement of their students under their care.

    A team of highly qualified professors with years of teaching and training experience in languages and career-oriented examinations, many of them trained abroad from time to time to be abreast of the newest methods of teaching and learning.The year 2002 saw the establishment of Yeast Institute of Foreign Languages in Trichinopoly, Tamilnadu,South India with its headquarters now moved to its own premises in Trivandrum,Kerala,God’s Own Country in Western South India. Presenly, in addition to teaching at different centres across the world the institute has embarked on an ambitious online teaching program. We are earnest about reaching the unreached and unreachable around the globe,bringing to the doors of the learners education and training.Where ever you are,it just takes a click to open for you the gates of knowledge.

    We would like to be tested before you choose us.A very transparent and accessible institute, we are bound by ethics in teaching and accountability to the learners. Our students are under the care and tutorship of well-trained and experienced teachers who have gained years of experience in correcting the response sheets of average learners. They know their job thoroughly and carry on helping the learner,tirelessly until they are satisfied with the progress of their wards. Our courses are not time bound,giving the leaner to proceed at his/her own pace in the privacy and comfort of their home or office. Our fee is most reasonable and affordable.Above all,we are for you and your progress and thus have the reputation of being a learner-friendly institution,which most of us past students would testify.
    1.Build A Foundation

    Today,more than ever before in the history of mankind,knowledge is at your doorstep and no one has any excuse for not learning new things. Gone are those days when only a few could afford university education! If one has a will,one has a way is true of learning in our age. There is no need nor excuse to be left out or left behind in the race of knowledge and training. However, in spite of your best intentions and efforts,you would benefit a great deal from the guidance of a learner-friendly educational institute seriously interested in the well-being of the student community. A foundation needs to be laid and the right moment is now,for yesterday is history and today is mystery and now is the time to act.We are here to do exactly that: build a foundation for your present studies for your future career. Trust us,we know how to do it,even in the case of the most disinclined students to leaning. We make to learning fun for you,you to experience the joy of learning and not the burden and sickness of learning.

    2.Progress with Confidence

    In the matter of learning or training even the best intentions and programs go wrong if the learner fails to progress within a time period in the field he has chosen.In order to make sure that the learner develops confidence of progressing with the passage of time,we offer a self-assessment program aligned with the tutor-assessment program. This often results in the student evaluating his own progress and doing a self-correction course. After all,learning starts with oneself! We are with you as a confidence builder whenever you are likely to lose your confidence and as a result slide back to under-achievement.Take our our hand confidently and let us lead to green pastures .

    3.Retain What You’ve Learned

    Many good learners fail often,because they stop at it,without bothering to retain what they have learned. While we do not encourage cramming we encourage intelligent storage of essential information in memory by constant revision of lessons.Our periodical tests are just meant for you to recapitulate what you have studied. The tutors under whose wardship you progress,is ready to help you revise,rewind and recapture what you are likely to slip out.We expose you to valuable trusted and tested methods of learning new subjects by recommending experienced authors. In our contact programs which are evenly spread you have face-to-face sessions with your teachers and tutors to consolidate your leaarning.

    4.Achieve Your Goals

    Sorry not to be able to entertain you if you are not passionate about achieving your goals.In spite of our teaching and guidance and your best efforts if you do not make it,we are very sympathetic to your failings and our failings and spare no efforts to put you back on the track to achieving your goals.We would not like to play the blame game with the learner and on the contrary,would pay special attention to your specific needs as a weak or slow learner.Be assured we make a balanced approach to the success and failure of our wards.Destiny has its own way of doing or undoing one’s career,however we would be eager to play a role in shaping your career, even if it were a minor one.